The Supreme Modern Goddess Challenge

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Sacred Billionairess™ 

The Experiment Year

The Sacred Billionairess™ Presents: 

The Supreme Modern Goddess Challenge {The Instant Replay!}

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Supreme Modern Goddess

Embody your most unapologetic and authentic self to manifest the money you desires despite of COVID
5 DAY TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE with Orgasmic Manifesting Coach Ultra


About Supreme Modern Goddess Experience:
  • What are you could feel totally new in just 5 days?
  • Are you ready to dive into your wholeness, never again depriving you of all your good?
  • If you’re like me, you know that you are meant for big things, and need the confidence to step into the fulfillment of your destiny?
  • Are you ready to activate your orgasmic abundance?
  • Are you ready to ditch the shame, fear, and overwhelm?
  • Are you ready to break through your money ceiling?
  • Do you work as a coach or healer and are ready for your next evolution?
  • What if only in 5 days you unlocked your most powerful energy inside?
  • What would you do, if, in 5 days, you embodied the woman you know you’re going to be someday? (Because waiting sucks!)
  • Learn to basically brainwash yourself!
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Inside the challenge:
𓂀 Learn how to use the Moses code (in-depth masterclass
𓆘 The science behind embodying, how it shifts your psychology
𓂺 How to embody like a Hollywood actor, to become the character (super fun exercise and process)
𓆲 5-day embodiment activation (process) (if you do this, there is no way, you’d stay the same)
𓎁 Quantum embodiment, the energetics!!
𓂉 Power of daydreaming and virtual realities process
𓁒 Orgasmic Manifest, why you need to do deep level work and heal for manifestation to work
𓁏 Wealth Krya, money receiving practice to align you to unlimited resource flow as the goddess you are.
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Supreme Modern Goddess
Embody your most unapologetic and authentic self to manifest the money you desires despite of COVID
5 DAY TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE with Orgasmic Manifesting Coach Ultra
Who is this for:
  • For the badass boss babe or healer/lightworker, who wants to scale to not just her money, her entire vibe!
  • For someone who is ready to let go of how it was, “reinvent” yourself, release the old goals, and old visions that don’t light you up, and step into a whole new world. A whole new world where your pleasure is your guide, your deepest level of satisfaction becomes your map, unique to you, like your fingerprint. With that vibe, who could stop you?
  • The reality is COVID has completely shifted how we operate in the world, spiritually and physically but you’re not willing to go broke while the world figures it out.
  • This is for you if you think you have a calling in your life and feel like this is a now or never moment in time. Because you can feel the shift, you already are at the edges of your expansion.
  • Ready to activate your highest vibration.
  • You understand that inner peace is world peace, that inner abundance out picture without fail as physical abundance yet your vision for your life goes so far beyond materialistic gains or temporary relief. You are the phoenix, giving birth to yourself and BURNING ANYTHING IN THE WAY.
  • This is for you if you hate manipulations, tricky strategies, basic bitch regurgitated knowledge.
  • You are all about integrity, authenticity, and radical self-acceptance.
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Cannot wait to hear all about your results! I'm so excited to share something I've been working on for a few months, using QTVM, I have already manifested over $84k from the start of this year! For more information about my new mastermind read below. Hope it serves you!

Ultra Lume


Sacred Billionairess™
The Experiment Year!
The Mastermind stars March 27th. For a limited time, be one of the founding members and be grandfathered in at the price of $4,800 for this Sacred experience
(payment plan also available, retail value $12,000)

Sign Me Up
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