P L A Y   T O   E N H A N C E   E X P E R I E N C E   &  S C R O L L   D O W N

Turn On Abundance: 

an uncommon guide to manifesting money with pleasure, earth-shattering orgasms, and making love to god.
Turn On Abundance: an uncommon guide to manifesting money with pleasure, earth-shattering orgasms, and making love to god
A program for spiritually-lead, socially conscious, sexually liberated women to dissolve their abundance blocks and magnetize wealth easily using the power of sexual energy through a process called Ecstatic Alchemy.

‘After struggling to attract more abundance, we were able to generate +$100K in a single month at the same time that my husband was offered a multiple 6-figure job working from home by simply dialing in one thing: frequency. Without spending hours on practices, modalities or rituals, or BS, my husband and I  were able to attract larger and larger sums of money with the power of euphoria and ecstasy. We just remodeled our home which we bought for $250k now worth $1M!

Would you like to learn how to TURN ON your abundance frequency so you can be the most powerful force and manifest  abundance from pleasure?’

This program is to help you use orgasmic energy, pleasure, and frequency of the ecstasy to mend the sexual-phycological-spiritual divide and integrate a manifestations process that is seamless a supports a pleasure lifestyle.

With the use of Ecstatic Alchemy, you use the atomic level power of orgasm and pleasure to shift your frequency and become simply irresistible to your every desire.
It works on three basic levels: 
To help you mend your internal divide. Ever wonder why men make more money than women? It's because … Society does not force men to suppress their sexual side, while women have to. 
To help you rewire your response and associations to money. If you are repelling wealth currently, it means you have an unconscious negative association to money and we’ll create new neural pathways to pleasure and abundance.

To raise your dominant frequency so that manifestation is not a practice or indeed step but just a natural part of a lifestyle led by pleasure and ecstasy.

The program includes: 

Ecstatic Alchemy is a pleasurable way to 5x your income in 30 days. 
  • 12 Trainings (Typically about 60-90 mins)
  • 30-Day Complimentary Private Group Messenger chat for support, accountability, and sharing wins & challenges 
  • Erotheraphy Recorded Audio
  • Full, Free Lifetime Access. All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included.
“Not another “money manifesting course” with a dead-end promise!” Not this course, I promise to deliver what I consider to be the most orgasmic information to help you raise your vibration to attract abundance with pleasure and ease. Imagine a course that makes all the knowledge you acquired finally click. Imagine dropping all the lengthy manifestation or magical processes and using pleasure as your main frequency alignment tool? What if there was a “superior” process that is not only super fun but supercharged with creative power? 

Even after I discovered the process of Ecstatic Alchemy™ I was still drowning in modalities. I spent nearly all day long journaling, doing practices, and rituals trying to get into alignment. After investing in high-level programs, I still wasn't getting desired results. I went back to the special method I had discovered before. It’s the only method for me that is sustainable and aligns with my values and lifestyle.

When I started coaching I had no idea about teaching women to use the power of pleasure to manifest a wonderfully abundant life. I discovered how play and pleasure were the dominant vibrations when I was receiving large sums of money and opportunities. So I started to use orgasm and the frequency of pleasure to live my life in a way that I felt just genuinely lucky to be alive every day. My abundance blocks started dissolving and larger sums of money found their way to me effortlessly and without me even trying. And while I loved all the programs I have done and believe they contributed massively to my growth it was Ecstatic Alchemy™ that changed my life.
My name is Adjanys Marrero, also known as Ultra Lume, a coach, artist, and owner of a Learning Boutique for Badass Latinas Who Aren't Afraid to Turn-On World Class Wealth & Luxury While Having The Most Fun Ever. I have studied and trained in metaphysics, tantra, and a variety of energy modalities and magical practices. I used the process I outline in this course to raise my vibration and attract abundance using sexual healing energy.

A few years ago I said goodbye to my corporate job in Los Angeles in order to create the life of my dreams, do what I love only, and embark on a journey of self-mastery. Now my mission is to inspire women to live their lives doing things that deeply fulfill them and lead a life of pleasure.
Ok, so you’re sitting at your computer, or maybe on your phone… and you’re reading this today for a reason. Abundance in your life isn’t flowing with ease or in sexy amounts, and you want more. More pleasure, more play, more profit. And you know that IT IS possible to turn your dreams into reality.

So let me ask you… does that sound like something you’d want to start to take action on? Because right now you have the chance to grab my roadmap that shows you exactly how I use sexual energy and pleasure to vibrate at the frequency of abundance and flow.
Today I’m excited to finally debut this program TURN ON ABUNDANCE: an uncommon guide to manifesting money with pleasure, earth-shattering orgasms, and making love to god.

It’s a step-by-step method that shows one single process to attain perfect alignment to naturally and effortlessly eliminate self-doubt, unleash orgasmic power, and manifest your life the way you always believed you could. 

Here’s what’s inside:

  • Pre-work: Although the Ecstatic Alchemy™ process is explained throughout the course, from the very start you will begin the “magician’s apprentice”. This will help you gather your materials sort of speak, sexual energy being one of those. This is going to get you acquainted with two things, pleasure and sexual energy so you can summon it, command it, use it and know it all its nuances.
  • Apprentice Attunement Ceremony: During the distance Reiki Attunement Ceremony, I will clear and balance your chakras and perform activation for each student to unlock the flow of energy.
  • 30 Day Complimentary Access: All womxn students who purchase receive 30-day High Touch, Exclusive & Unlimited text/voice coaching over private chat, the chat is for women only to nurture and protect the sensitivity of the container.
  • Downloadable Erotheraphy™ (Sexual Healing Energy + Hypnosis) 1 Hour Energy Orgasm
The Empress Module: Activate the frequency of the goddess(god) so that you can command and author your life. Without a sense of autonomy, manifesting wealth will be nearly impossible and full of pressure instead of pleasure.

The Inferiority Module: This could very well be the thing that is holding you back. Inferiority could be secretly responsible for your lack of results. Finally, step into an internal level of freedom to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies.

The Huntress Module: Activate your resourcefulness and kill the bond with fear. This is your channel for financial abundance and creating your own opportunities.

The Seductress: She who seduces herself is powerful. A woman who knows her strength comes from within her deepest pleasure and passion.

The Alchemistress Module: Magic on all levels, physical, energetic, and mental. The enchantress knows how to blow her own mind and uses her knowledge, energy, and body as the living laboratory and her life as the ultimate creative experiment.  

Modalities You No Longer Need: I was able to restore the joy of living by dropping all the modalities that robbed me of the time I needed and wanted for my personal pursuit. I refuse to do anything that doesn't feel aligned even if it once did. Here I will tell you why you don't need to believe, pray, believe in God, meditation, and other practices. Ecstatic Alchemy™ is a tuning tool for alignment that uses orgasm and sexual energy like rocket fuel, it has released me from “routines” that lost efficiency.

Ecstatic Alchemy Methods: The simple steps. If you are familiar with sex magic, you will already know most of the steps but I teach you ONE little something, something so small you might miss it that makes all the difference. When people say they have channeled their orgasm to manifest but it didn't work I know right away what they are missing. Besides the fact that you can't trick the universe, you actually have to shift internally to bring about external results. I will teach you the magic without the superstition, without the ritual or any fear. It’s easy, fun, and best of all, it can be practiced 100% mentally anytime anywhere (the section on energy seduction).


(Value at over $1999)

√ EFT Treatment To Release Inferiority (valued at $199) 
Dissolve low frequencies with a combination of energy modalities plus some other magical workings. 

√ 7 Days of Orgasmic Pleasure (valued at $199)

An orgasmic experience like no other. Experience deep orgasmic bliss for 7 days straight and shift into euphoria in just one week.

√ Pleasure Play Profit LIVE (valued at $499)
Deep dive into the business model that changed my business and allowed me to do whatever I wanted!

√ Ecstatic Alchemy list of adapted practices (valued at $199)
Make every single practice and process more powerful by incorporating EA into them.

√ Secret Shopper / Sheet Cheat
Use this tool when doing some of the activations.
What this course is not:

Identifying limiting beliefs, negative and destructive patterns with money. We’ll focus on instead dismantling the root reason those patterns even occurred and eradicating them for good all while feeling good, not bad!

Mindset, how the mind works, or the basics of beliefs. Instead, we will dive into increasing our pleasure that automatically shifts mindset, rewires the brain, and instills new beliefs. We’ll do it using a tool the brain cannot resist.

How to forgive or heal your past. Instead, I’ll reveal how to release attachment to your “sad” story and release karma. We will talk about inferiority and how to release it

How to be “responsible” with money. I mean I will not teach about tracking money, feeling gratitude for money, etc. I strongly believe we know the basics. Instead, we’ll focus on what you really want, and my love, it's not money… It's a pleasure. There is a big difference between money and ecstatic money.

The female and masculine energetics. I actually do not know enough about it, it's not knowledge that has ever helped me manifest. Instead, we will focus on removing anything that doesn't align with your truest self.

Healing modalities, more practices, just more to do. I chose the process that works for me every time. Where other modalities helped in the short term, the results I have received from EA have been long-lasting and effective because it keeps shifting me indefatigably (persisting tirelessly). Plus I love to feel good. Orgasms are healthy for women, pure medicine. 

My intention is for you to finally find a program that works for you because it's coded to you. I hope the way I use energy and learn to use it helps you and within you emerges your way. Something faster, better, and more pleasurable. 
What You Will Experience 
Reduced stress and increased mental clarity
Perfect alignment
Increase self-love
Better orgasms
Rewire your brain
Calibrate to the highest frequency
Stop being seduced by “the next best thing”,  wasting money on following processes instead create your own modality using what you learn 
Develop certainty and confidence in your ability to manifest and turn on abundance
One superior practice to eliminate all the others
Increase spirituality and intimacy with higher self
Be in possession of a secret weapon
Mend the sexual, spiritual, psychological divide most women experience 
Add this modality to your practice and explode your and your client's results
A modality that makes you look and feel young (what, yes!)
Your life will be filled with optimism and fun surprises
You’ll show up differently and be treated differently, as someone of massive value
You’ll always be the most potent and alluring energy in the room
Miracles, luck, and blessings out of nowhere 
Become more open to high vibrating social activities and friends


The most rapid shift and most irresistible change is that which addresses the need for pleasure. This process creates rapid change because its irresistible as sexual energy is an energy that is compelling.

You actually do not NEED money but need PLEASURE. It’s a human need often misunderstood and treated as greed. Pleasure is closer to gratitude than greed. Pleasure is the highest good, all we do is a form of pleasure whether you realize it or not. 

The missing link is PLEASURE.

I believe the next level of the most powerful and influential people is the sexually liberated woman. 

This course …
Will help you have more potent, more frequent, and more powerful orgasms.
Will help you shed shame, fear, and embarrassment for good.
Will make your sex magic practice finally work or make it even more potent.
This course will make all those other money courses finally work.
It will help you fall in love with loving yourself and feeling whole
It will help you raise your frequency to attract more pleasure and turn on abundance
Will give you the competitive edge for your abundance practices
It will save you time so you can go have more pleasure and fun
It will help you effortlessly and easily return to the frequency of abundance
It will show you what might be holding you back while treating it simultaneously  

I know you already do so much but imagine your process being made more effective (fast and transformative). Your process made it more irresistible (too powerful to be resisted, too powerful to be ineffective). 

Using this process lends to the most powerful need we have, the need for pleasure. Pleasure is a state in which you enjoy your needs. You tend to your needs with enjoyment.

“The most rapid shift and most irresistible change in the human mind is that which addresses the need to satisfy a strong appetite for pleasure.”
Working with Ultra on the topic of money manifestation has not only changed how I view myself and money but it has changed how money flows into my life.
I hired her to help me build my business - what I didn’t realize was that she was going to help me improve in every area of my life. My initial goal was to reach 6k months by month 5. Within 2 weeks I got promoted at my corporate job 1 month in I was actually making bigger paychecks, my bills went down, my credit went up. 2 months in I was literally no longer worried about money and where it came from because I was getting everything I needed. Month 3 and I’ve got a HUGE tax return, summoned the courage and confidence to start my own podcast, set and accomplished money goals. One week into month 3 and I’m about to have my first 5k month. You will not regret working with Ultra, she’s funny, smart as f#ck and determined to help every woman who works with her. 10/10 bitch.


www.isabellabadass.com | @isabellabadass | www.instagram.com/isabellabadass


√ EFT Treatment To Release Inferiority (valued at $199)
√ 7 Days of Orgasmic Pleasure (valued at $199)
√ Pleasure Play Profit LIVE (valued at $499)
√ Ecstatic Alchemy list of adapted practices (valued at $199)
√ 30-Days Secret (valued at $999)
√ Secret Shopper Sheet Cheat 

So How Much Is It?


Course Debut Price! For Limited Time.